Good fallout 3 mods
Good fallout 3 mods

good fallout 3 mods

Stimpacks are actually useful now that you’re taking more damage and the game feels a lot more “real. Here’s a short list of what this mod adds: 120 new weapons (new models/textures too), backpacks, a ton of new armor, makes guns more lethal, enemies will throw more grenades, repairing is more versatile and the list goes on. If you’re like us and you found that vanilla F3 was a little too easy, that guns didn’t seem to feel “real,” (honestly, who can take an entire mag of 7.62 and still run at you with a sledgehammer?) and enemies were just a little too dull: this is the mod for you. You can get across the entire map in just a couple minutes and you’re bound to discover a lot more of it that way. use this directly after to apply legendary mod. But they sure beat huffing it around on foot. How To Install Fallout 4 Mods for Xbox One Adds a set of very cool and very fashionable. We’ll be straight up: this is not a very polished mod, but what can you expect from adding a completely new way to travel around D.C.? The sounds are… annoying at times and the guns you can upgrade to are a little cheesy. Repair them by getting the right parts, and you’re on your way. Once installed, you’ll find that there are broken motorcycles outside of the major towns.

Good fallout 3 mods